Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fun Weekend!

This last weekend we had company! My cousin and her family came to see us. It was a surprise to have them and I hated to see them go. We sat around, ate junk food and laughed it up. It was the best time ever. The kids had a blast and were rarely seen unless they were begging for ice cream and cookies. Jess and I sat at the table together with our laptops lined up. She took a moment to help me get a website set up for my photos. I am so thankful that she helped me out. We searched through so many sites and I finally decided on one that seemed to be very user friendly. I joined Got the site almost up in one night! We did a lot of giggling and just having a good time. I think we drooled over sites most of the night.

I fell in love with this photographer in Portland. She is close by and her work is amazing! What I would give to watch her work for a day. Just sitting down with someone that has the same passion as I do. Her name is Shannon Sewell. Both Jess and I were drooling and watching a "Framed" video of her. It was insightful and I think she sounds like a beautiful person to know. I love her stylizing. It really does inspire me and Jess and I made plans for this summer. We are organizing a shoot that is stylized. I'm very excited about it. Can summer come already?

After a fun weekend, I was sorry to see them go. It was farewells and back to the grind. I hated to see Jess and her family go but it was bound to happen. I look forward to the summer and all the fun things that we are thinking of doing.

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